

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday, December 17th, 2015

6th Grade Language Arts:  Continued reading book club books and looking for signposts in the book.  Meet with their groups and shared answers. 
Students also presented their December R and E

5th Grade Language Arts: Same lesson as 6th grade.

·         Finish book club book.
·         Quiz on book tomorrow

Word Study
·         Today we started are spelling program.  Students are grouped based on a spelling assessment given last month.  They worked with the teacher that was in charge of their sort.  They were assigned homework to complete nightly.  They will be tested on Friday.  We will have this class every Friday afternoon.

Social Studies:  No class this week. We are doing double language arts.

Homework: none
·         Current events for December
·         White Elephant gift.  $5.00 limit- Tomorrow

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015

6th Grade Language Arts:  Continued reading book club books and looking for signposts in the book.  Meet with their groups and shared answers. 
Students also presented their December R and E

5th Grade Language Arts: Same lesson as 6th grade.

·         Book Club reading for Day 9 must be completed by Thursday
·         Also, complete the following prompts:

Journal Prompts-Historical Fiction:

You will be answering the following prompts in your reader's notebook. Your responses must follow the following expectations:

1. Name and date in the upper right hand corner.
2.  Prompt is written out.
3. You must use detail and support from the book.
4. You must have complete sentences, correct spelling and punctuation.
5. The response is a paragraph or more.

1.     If you could trade places with one of the characters in the book, which one would it be?  Why would you choose this character?  Explain
2.    What was the climax of the story? Who was involved? How did you know it was the climax?
1.     If you could find one object that would symbolize the main theme of the novel, what would it be?  Explain

Words their Way (Spelling) :   NO CLASS NEXT FRIDAY (December 18th)
·         Today we started are spelling program.  Students are grouped based on a spelling assessment given last month.  They worked with the teacher that was in charge of their sort.  They were assigned homework to complete nightly.  They will be tested on Friday.  We will have this class every Friday afternoon.

Social Studies:  No class this week. We are doing double language arts.

Homework: none
·         Current events for December
·         White Elephant gift.  $5.00 limit
·         Bag for locker clean out tomorrow

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday, December 14th, 2015

6th Grade Language Arts:  Continued reading book club books and looking for signposts in the book.  Meet with their groups and shared answers. 
5th Grade Language Arts: Same lesson as 6th grade.

·         December R and E is due on Wednesday, December 16th
·         Book Club reading for Day 7 must be completed by Tuesday.
·         Also, complete the following prompts:

Journal Prompts-Historical Fiction:

You will be answering the following prompts in your reader's notebook. Your responses must follow the following expectations:

1. Name and date in the upper right hand corner.
2.  Prompt is written out.
3. You must use detail and support from the book.
4. You must have complete sentences, correct spelling and punctuation.
5. The response is a paragraph or more.

1.     Make a list of 3-6 key events from the book.  Tell why each event is important to the story.
Main Idea:
2.    What is the story mainly about? (it’s message, not what happened)
3.    What is the funniest/ exciting/ happiest part?  Saddest?  Why?

Words their Way (Spelling) :   NO CLASS NEXT FRIDAY (December 18th)
·         Today we started are spelling program.  Students are grouped based on a spelling assessment given last month.  They worked with the teacher that was in charge of their sort.  They were assigned homework to complete nightly.  They will be tested on Friday.  We will have this class every Friday afternoon.

Social Studies:  No class this week. We are doing double language arts.

Homework: none
·         Current events for December
·         White Elephant gift.  $5.00 limit

Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday, December 11th, 2015

6th Grade Language Arts:  Continued reading book club books and looking for signposts in the book.  Meet with their groups and shared answers. 
5th Grade Language Arts: Same lesson as 6th grade.

·         December R and E is due on Wednesday, December 16th
·         Book Club reading for Days 4,5, and 6 must be completed by Monday. You must find a least 2 signposts per chapter.

Words their Way (Spelling) :   NO CLASS NEXT FRIDAY (December 18th)
·         Today we started are spelling program.  Students are grouped based on a spelling assessment given last month.  They worked with the teacher that was in charge of their sort.  They were assigned homework to complete nightly.  They will be tested on Friday.  We will have this class every Friday afternoon.

Social Studies:  No class this week. We are doing double language arts.

Homework: none
·         Current events for December
·         White Elephant gift.  $5.00 limit

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday, December 10th, 2015

6th Grade Language Arts:  Continued reading book club books and looking for signposts in the book.  Meet with their groups and shared answers.  THREE prompts were assigned based on the book and are due tomorrow.

5th Grade Language Arts: Same lesson as 6th grade.

·         Assigned Book Club reading for day 3. Write down signposts to bring to school tomorrow.
·         December R and E is due on Wednesday, December 16th
·         Spelling due on Friday
·         6th grade grammar packet due tomorrow.
Journal Prompts-Historical Fiction:

You will be answering the following prompts in your reader's notebook. Your responses must follow the following expectations:

1. Name and date in the upper right hand corner.
2.  Prompt is written out.
3. You must use detail and support from the book.
4. You must have complete sentences, correct spelling and punctuation.
5. The response is a paragraph or more.

Prompts for Thursday, December 10th.
1.     Where does the story take place? Tell what it is like there?
2.    How does the author get you interested in the book?
3.    Who are the main characters in the story? What kind of people are they? How do you know?

Words their Way (Spelling) : 
·         Today we started are spelling program.  Students are grouped based on a spelling assessment given last month.  They worked with the teacher that was in charge of their sort.  They were assigned homework to complete nightly.  They will be tested on Friday.  We will have this class every Friday afternoon.

Social Studies:  No class this week. We are doing double language arts.

Homework: none
·         Current events for December
·         White Elephant gift.  $5.00 limit

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

6th Grade Language Arts:  Continued reading book club books and looking for signposts in the book.

5th Grade Language Arts: Same lesson as 6th grade.

·         Assigned Book Club reading for day 2. Write down signposts to bring to school tomorrow.
·         December R and E is due on Wednesday, December 16th
·         Spelling due on Friday

Words their Way (Spelling) : 
·         Today we started are spelling program.  Students are grouped based on a spelling assessment given last month.  They worked with the teacher that was in charge of their sort.  They were assigned homework to complete nightly.  They will be tested on Friday.  We will have this class every Friday afternoon.

Social Studies:  No class this week. We are doing double language arts.

·         Current events for December
·         White Elephant gift.  $5.00 limit

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday, December 8th, 2015

6th Grade Language Arts:  Began book clubs today.  Make sure you have signposts to go with your reading for tomorrow.

5th Grade Language Arts: Same lesson as 6th grade.

·         Read nightly
·         December R and E is due on Wednesday, December 16th

Book Club reading expectations:
A Lion To Guard Us
Blood on the River
Amos Fortune
Indian Captive
Ghost Hawk
Ransom of Mercy
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10

Words their Way (Spelling) : 
·         Today we started are spelling program.  Students are grouped based on a spelling assessment given last month.  They worked with the teacher that was in charge of their sort.  They were assigned homework to complete nightly.  They will be tested on Friday.  We will have this class every Friday afternoon.

Social Studies:  No class this week. We are doing double language arts.

·         Current events for December

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday, December 7th, 2015

6th Grade Language Arts:  Turned in grammar packet. Received new grammar packet and this is due on FRIDAY.   Narrative reflection and signpost reading.

5th Grade Language Arts: Turned in pronoun packet. Took pronoun quiz.  Completed a narrative writing reflection in class.

·         Read nightly
·         December R and E is due on Wednesday, December 16th
·         Class spelling bee on Tuesday, December 8th
·         6th grade only:  Signpost due tomorrow.

Words their Way (Spelling) : 
·         Today we started are spelling program.  Students are grouped based on a spelling assessment given last month.  They worked with the teacher that was in charge of their sort.  They were assigned homework to complete nightly.  They will be tested on Friday.  We will have this class every Friday afternoon.

Social Studies:  Took lesson 5 test today

·         Current events for December

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015

6th Grade Language Arts:
Completed an in class narrative post test. Revisions of narrative for  a better grade are due on Tuesday, December 8th

5th Grade Language Arts:
·         Worked on reading strategies today. Narratives were returned and can be revised for a higher grade. Revised copy is due on Tuesday, December 8th

·         Read nightly
·         Word of the Day quiz is on Friday, December 4th
·         Spelling is due on Friday, December 4th
·         December R and E is due on Wednesday, December 16th
·         Grammar packets due on Monday.
·         Grammar quiz on Monday
·         Class spelling bee on Tuesday, December 8th

Words their Way (Spelling) : 
·         Today we started are spelling program.  Students are grouped based on a spelling assessment given last month.  They worked with the teacher that was in charge of their sort.  They were assigned homework to complete nightly.  They will be tested on Friday.  We will have this class every Friday afternoon.

Social Studies:  Finished lesson 5.  Lesson 5 test will be on Monday, December 7th.

·         Current events for December
·         Lesson 5 review is due tomorrow

·         TCI on line activities for Monday