Language Arts: Today we began our new novel Eagle Rock. We read the first two chapters and have 3 short responses we need to do on the response sheet we received today.
- Reading response due tomorrow.
- Lesson 5. The writing piece is due on Thursday. Use the following link:
- Read for 20 minutes.
- Reading challenge
- Earn your $10 for Jim Basketball Jones
- R and E due on March 23rd.
Word Study: No class
Homework: No class
Social Studies: We continued to work with our “expert groups” and began creating our projects.
Homework: Lesson 9 test on Tuesday
- TCI lesson 9 due on Tuesday, March 13th
- Novel for Science Literacy – book must be finished by Monday, March 12th
- Parent/teacher conference sign up is located outside Mr. Burdick’s classroom.
Help the Burns/Burdick Blast basket:
We are asking for donations of MSU/U of M items to be placed in our basket for the BCS Blast on March 18th. You can also send in a cash donation as well. Thanks for your help!