Language Arts:
- 6th grade shared Small Moment final writing piece. No homework this evening.
- 5th Grade turned in their Small Moment writing piece and went to the Battle of the Books presentation.
- Read for 20 minutes or more nightly!
- Remember to have a chapter book that you are going to commit to for the next week.
Social Studies: Began lesson 5 today. Worked on vocabulary
- Vocab packet is due tomorrow.
Election Updates:
We are in the final stretch. We will be having our final debate/town hall meeting on Monday, November 5th. This will held in the Media Center at 1:00.
We meet with the students today and did our BEST to get the kids caught up!! Hopefully this time has helped them!
- Piñatas for the Halloween party. These need to be handmade with a partner.
- Burns/Burdick Parent Teacher conferences in November are changed. We will be holding them on Thursday, November 8th and Monday, November 19th. Look for sign ups to come soon!!