Language Arts:
- 6th Grade: We continued to work on our writing piece. We started to typing our draft.
5th Grade: We continued to work on our writing piece.
- Read for 20 minutes or more nightly. Remember to have a chapter book that you are going to commit to for the next week.
- R and E due on December 6th. Must be on the wiki. Remember the presentation must be 2-3 minutes in length.
Social Studies: Read Junior Scholastic and completed activities based on reading.
- Received review for lessons 1, 4 and 5 for the Midterm we are having on Friday, November 30th.
- The review will be due at the end of class on Tuesday.
· Permission slips for Lansing
· As of today, The Burns classroom has NO Chaperones for Lansing on Monday, November 26th. Please email me if you can help!