

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

Language Arts: 
6th Grade:  Completed a reading activity using the “tough question” strategy.  They also received their rubric for their final paper that is due on Thursday.

5th Grade:   Same lesson as 6th grade.

Homework:  Remember to read nightly.
·         As always you will need a chapter book for class tomorrow!!
·         Final draft is due on Thursday, April 3rd.  Please PRINT 2 COPIES
·         Grammar packet due on Thursday

Social Studies: Created a review for lesson 10. We discussed ways to study for a test and strategies they could use to create their own review. 

Homework:   Complete review and it is due tomorrow. Test will be on Thursday, April 3rd

Science Literacy:
  • We will be presenting “Girls Read”  projects on Wednesday, April, 2nd
  • We will have a reading “celebration” on Friday for “Girls Read”

       Grade Book closes on Tuesday, April 15th. We will not be taking any late assignments for the third marking period after the 15th.