

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

Language Arts:
  • 6th Grade:  Continued working on our book club project. Make sure you have a new book to read. Fictional stories were returned today.  If you receive a score lower then 70, you must revise for an improved grade. Those who scored higher then 70, may also revise for a better grade, but it is not required.  The revised papers are due on January 4th.

  • 5th Grade:  Same lesson as 6th grade. Personal narratives were returned.  If you received a score lower then 70, you must revise and resubmit for a better grade. Those who scored higher then 70, may also revise for a better grade, but it is not required.  The revised papers are due on January 4th.


  • Read for 20 minutes or more nightly.
  • January R and E due on January 14th.

Social Studies:  Took Lesson 9 test.  No homework this evening.

          White elephant gift for Friday.