Language Arts:
- 6th Grade: Rough drafts of narrative turned in and edited with a partner. They will conference with me and receive feedback to help with their final.
- Meet quickly with Book Club Partner to break down reading for the next two weeks.
- 5th Grade: Same lesson as 6th grade.
- Read for 20 minutes or more nightly.
- R and E due on December 6th. Must be on the wiki. Remember the presentation must be 2-3 minutes in length.
- Book club books. Remember to do your nightly reading. The book needs to be finished by December 16th. We are starting the final project on December 17th.
- Narrative writing final piece due on Wednesday, December 12th. Must be typed. Double spaced, rubric and rough draft must be attached as well!
Social Studies: Worked on lesson 7. Read up to section 7.3.
Homework: Page 55 in workbook. It needs to be done in cursive.
· We will be collecting donations for the family we are adopting as the Burns/Burdick team. Please see the email from our room moms and feel free us sign up genius for gifts or send in a monetary donation. The kids are really excited for this and what a great way to show our great character!