

Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday, October 4th, 2013

Language Arts: 

6th Grade:  Worked on identifying scene and narration in reading.  We will apply this in our reading and writing. We also went to the Media Center.

5th Grade: Same lesson as 6th grade.

  • Also, the spelling words may seem easy for some. The students received their list based on how they performed on an in class spelling test. I explained they can always move levels based on how they perform on all writing assignments.

  • Read nightly
  • Please go onto spelling city to make sure you can get on.
  • Spelling due on 10-7

Social Studies :  Took Vocab quiz. Mapping lab is due on Monday.


  • Mapping lab.

Goal Setting:
I have set up my goal setting on Sign-up Genuis.  It is called Goal Setting on the right hand side of my blog.  Sign up if you feel that you would like to meet with me face to face. We can also do email and I can meet with students during lunch. 
Remember this is for setting a goal with your child and this is their goal. We will focus on their goal at this meeting. This is not a conference.  We have academic conferences in November.

  • Students are to return their goal setting sheet tomorrow.

  • Students are to return their goal setting sheet tomorrow.
  • Book Orders due on Monday, October 7th. You can order on line.
  • Rouge permission slips due on Monday