Language Arts:
6th Grade: We continued working on our personal narrative
writing piece. The students will have
Thursday and Friday to type the piece in class. The typed rough draft is due on
5th Grade: Same lesson as 6th grade
- R and E due October 30th (6th grade only)
- Read nightly
- Grammar packet due on Monday
- Typed rough draft of a personal narrative due on Monday
Social Studies: We continued lesson 3 on
Native American. We watched a video on the Native Americans of the Plains
- November conference signup is posted. Mr. Burdick and I have had to switch our conference nights. We are doing Tuesday, November 12 and Wednesday, November 13th.
- Mr. Burdick and I will be out on Thursday and Friday. We are attending a Character Education conference in Washington D.C. We will be presenting the work our students have done with Waterford Village Elementary School and the work we will be doing globally and locally this year in regards to service learning. Please remind your child to do their best with our guest teachers.
- The blog will not be updated will be are gone. The students will need to rely on their planners.