

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

6th Grade Language Arts: Worked on features of an argumentative essay.  Wrote an opinion paper on Zoos. 

5th Grade Language Arts: Worked on features of an argumentative essay.   Same lesson as 6th grade


·         Read nightly
·         R and E due on January 26th
·         Spelling due on Friday

Word Study
·         Today we started are spelling program.  Students are grouped based on a spelling assessment given last month.  They worked with the teacher that was in charge of their sort.  They were assigned homework to complete nightly.  They will be tested on Friday.  We will have this class every Friday afternoon.

Social Studies: Began lesson 7 today. Worked on colonial group project
·         Current events

·         Disability Workshop on January 27th

·         Half-Day of school on January 29th