

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

Language Arts: 
6th Grade:  Worked on reading activities and focused on the “Aha Moment”

5th Grade:   Same lesson as 6th grade

·         Remember to read nightly.
·         You must have a chapter book in school tomorrow!!
·         R and E for 6th GRADERS ONLY due on Wednesday, October 29th

Social Studies:  Turned in completed comic book and watched some short videos on Neolithic times.

Homework:  No homework tonight

Science Literacy:  Students were assigned roles for the mock election for Governor.  They began working in teams.

          Homework:  Remember to have our Governor packet in school every day!
·         Bring your devices to school to help with your campaign. 

·         Walk for Mrs. Fitz next Wednesday, October 22.  Please try to attend!
·         Please wear PINK for FITZ tomorrow