

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, December 12th, 2011

Language Arts:  Today we held our spelling bee to qualify for the BCS spelling bee. Congratulations to the finalists: 5th grade: Laya Kumar, Shane Guenther and Alternate Marshall Lockyer.  6th Grade: Jessie Fisher, Josh Maribou and Alternate Sarah Chung.

We continued to read in our book clubs. TWO journal prompts are due on Wednesday, December 14th. They must be in cursive, 3/ 4 in length for the response and NO SPELLING ERRORS.

  • Read for 20 minutes. Remember to read for your book club
  • Journal prompts due on Wednesday

Word Study:  Took preposition quiz and turned in grammar packet
Social Studies: We continued to work on Lesson 6. We read about Jamestown today.
Homework: No homework

  • Please bring in a book to give as a gift for our student teacher, Miss Leach.  We want to start a classroom library for her.  The book are due NO LATER THEN WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14TH.
  • Pizza party lunch to celebrate our success with the “penny wars”  on Wednesday, December 14th. Bring a drink and additional snacks to go with your pizza.