

Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday, January 5th, 2015

Happy New Year!  I hope you had a wonderful vacation with your family. It was great to see all those smiling and rested faces this morning!

Language Arts: 
6th Grade:  Began a reading activity with Signpost. The students most have a chapter book that they are committed to reading over the next week. They are to work on their signpost worksheets in class and at home. They also completed a writing piece about their holiday break.

5th :  Same lesson as 6th grade

·         Remember to read nightly and complete signpost worksheet
·         R and E due January 21st
·         You must have a chapter book in school

Social Studies:. Began lesson 11. Received vocabulary

Homework :  Vocabulary due tomorrow

Science Literacy:  No class today


·         No school on January 19th for MLK day