

Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday, January 4th, 2016

6th Grade Language Arts:  Worked on reading in class and completed a writing prompt about their vacation.  BRING EARBUDS FOR COMPASS LEARNING TOMORROW

5th Grade Language Arts: Same lesson as 6th grade.  Received Adverb packet. This is due next Monday, January 11thBRING EARBUDS FOR COMPASS LEARNING TOMORROW

·         Word of the day packet due Wednesday (1-6-16) for 5th Grade
·         Word of the day packet due on Thursday (1-7-16) for 6th Grade
·         Word of the day quiz on Monday, January 11th
·         5th grade adverb packet and quiz on Monday, January 11th

Word Study
·         Today we started are spelling program.  Students are grouped based on a spelling assessment given last month.  They worked with the teacher that was in charge of their sort.  They were assigned homework to complete nightly.  They will be tested on Friday.  We will have this class every Friday afternoon.

Social Studies: Began lesson 6.

Homework: Vocab due tomorrow
·         Current events start next week

·         Donations for relief effort bucket

·         No School Monday, January 18th for MLK Day